Gardening & Coffee

Did you know there are ways to make your daily coffee consumption less of a strain on the environment? That’s right, even small changes to your caffeine routine can make a big impact on helping the environment and diverting waste from landfills. In honor of Earth Day, our Accounts Manager, Alex Bohn, shared some tips on reducing your environmental impact on the world, right from his own backyard.

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Tip 1: Grow your Own Food At Home

To make this happen, Alex used one of our empty coffee bags as a container! He cut the bag in half, filled it with soil, and planted tomato seeds in it. A few weeks later, when the seedlings were ready to move into the ground, he just cut the bag open, pulled the tomatoes out, and placed them in his garden.

Image of compostable coffee bag and scissors

Tip #2: Compost Your Backyard Beans Coffee Bag!

If you want to try composting, look no further than your old coffee bags from us as a place to start—they provide a good source of carbon to a compost pile and break down over time. After Alex planted his tomatoes in the ground, he cut up the coffee bag container into little pieces and added it to his compost.

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Tip #3: Add Used Coffee Grounds to Your Compost Pile

Skip throwing those coffee grounds in the garbage, and add them to your compost pile instead. It’s a great way to use all the leftover nutrients that remain in your coffee! And if your filters are made of paper, you can compost those, too. Not only is it putting less strain on the environment, but it makes clean super quick and easy, too. If you’re curious about more tips on composting, check out this link.

We hope these tips gave you some inspiration for how to be an eco-friendly coffee consumer—let us know if you try any of them!