Las Perlitas Online Exclusive Recipe

It takes some serious dedication, along with endless quality control and solid relationships, to find those rare gems, the best of the best in the endless sea of coffee. And Ecuador Las Perlitas is just that—a beautiful coffee representing the highest scoring washed processed coffees from one of the most exotic origins known to coffee.

 Ecuador is home to some of the most exquisite varieties and growing conditions, which makes Las Perlitas even more special—its varieties include Bourbon Sidra, Typica Mejorada, Typica, Caturra, and Bourbon. Some of these lineages track back to Ethiopia, so the cup profile leans towards citrusy, floral, and fruity flavors, with a really bright acidity. It’s perfect for the upcoming warm weather—like sipping on some sangria or enjoying a crisp fruit salad.

 We have our suppliers and their relationships with these farmers to thank for this coffee—because of everyone’s commitment to quality, we have Las Perlitas to offer and enjoy!