Make At Home: Iced Honey Coffee Recipe

Hello my name is Paige! I am a barista at Backyard Beans and I am going to walk you through how to replicate the popular Iced Honey Latte at home with an iced coffee variation.  

What you’ll need: 

  • Ground coffee (fine grind for espresso; medium fine for iced coffee) 

  • Hot water (205 degrees fahrenheit) 

  • Ice 

  • Honey 

  • Sugar 

  • Vanilla Extract 

Coffee first! I like to use my Aeropress to replicate espresso at home. Moka pots also work very well. If you have an espresso machine at home, well then, lucky you!

I used 22g of fine ground coffee (about 4 tbsp), and 55g of water (that's about to the 1 to 1.5 mark on the aeropress). Aeropress is super easy to use. Wet the filter and attach to the chamber. Add the coffee. Quickly add the hot water (bring a kettle to a boil, let rest for about 2 minutes before using) and give the coffee a good stir. Insert the plunger after about 20 seconds and extract! Wa La! (Please refer to brew guides on the website for more detail). 

Side note: I am an inverted aeropress believer. That means basically do it all upside down and a little backwards. In detail: insert plunger first and use as the base. Add coffee, then water. Stir. Attach wet filter. Flip over onto the cup. Extract. Bam. Full immersion and no leaks.  

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Altnerative method: use a pour over method.

If espresso is just not your thing or this is not attainable at home right now, I added an alternative iced coffee version! I used a pour over method to make my iced coffee. Drip coffee pots can also work or cold brew if you have the patience. But the EASIEST way to do this buy purchasing one of our cold brew packs, find a retailer near you.

Image of vanilla in a small glass

Don’t forget to add Vanilla syrup!

For iced coffee, I like to use a 1:10 ratio. That means 1 gram of coffee for every 10 grams of water. Add 22g of medium-fine grind coffee to a wet filter. Slowly pour in hot water till you reach 220g, about 1 cup of water (please refer to the brew guides on the website for more detail & technique). 

It doesn’t matter what roast of coffees you use for this recipe! Whatever your preference. I like light to medium roasts (Our Backyard is actually what I used today for this…..super great roast for many reasons). If you want to get as close to a cafe replica as possible, we use Bandwidth for our espresso in the shop. I also recommend trying the Wild Espresso roast.

Vanilla Syprup Recipe:

Last prep part before the fun—in the cafe we sweeten the latte with a little vanilla syrup. If you don't have any vanilla beans lying around your house like me, here is a quick and easy vanilla syrup recipe:

Combine 2 tbsp of hot water with 2 tbsp of sugar. Mix until all the sugar is dissolved. Add ¼ tsp of vanilla extract and a small pinch of salt to enhance the vanilla flavor. Stir well. 

Scroll down for latte assembly in 4 steps, or iced coffee version in 3 steps.

Latte Assembly in 4 Steps: 

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Step 1

First, drizzle the sides of a cup with honey. I went for a generous amount here. Feel free to do lots less. Fill the cup at least halfway with ice. Remember, your coffee is probably still hot at this point. If you choose the iced coffee version, the recipe is of higher strength and meant to be diluted with the ice.

Image of milk pouring into glass

Step 2

For the latte, add your milk of choice. In the shop, our standard is whole milk. I used oat milk for mine.

Image of espresso pouring into glass

Step 3

Top with espresso.

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Step 4

Then syrup & stir gently. Need to leave that beautiful honey lace in tack. You’re done!


Iced Coffee Assembly in 3 Steps: 

Image of two glasses with honey and ice

Step 1

First, drizzle the sides of a cup with honey. I went for a generous amount here. Feel free to do lots less. Fill the cup at least halfway with ice. Remember, your coffee is probably still hot at this point. If you choose the iced coffee version, the recipe is of higher strength and meant to be diluted with the ice.

Image of coffee pouring

Step 2

Slowly pour over the ice.

Image of pouring syrup into glass

Step 3

Then syrup & stir gently. Need to leave that beautiful honey lace in tack.

Image of woman enjoying her iced coffee drink

THE MOST IMPORTANT PART: drink it with a straw. You’ll get all that honey from the bottom. Welcome to at-home barista life. Be well! Cheers. -Paige

If you have any questions or would like to request another at home recipe, comment below!