The Ultimate Coffee Brew Guide with Bobby Wrigley

Image of Bobby Wrigley pouring coffee into a glass

Bobby Wrigley, Backyard Beans.

Meet Bobby Wrigley, one of our talented coffee roasters. Bobby put together the ultimate coffee brew guide for everyone. Learn how to make the best coffee with your french press, aero press, chemex, pour over, and more. And be sure to thank him in the comments for making this brew guide awesome. He certainly rocks, and we love having him on our team. 

And now presenting Bobby:

My first foray into coffee came when I purchased a French press in 2007. I would buy locally roasted craft coffee from the coffee shop at my college and brew it up daily in my little dorm room. I used an electric hot water kettle (that was against dorm policy) and I would flush the used grounds from the French press down the toilet for clean up. I think I officially became a coffee geek when I bought a Chemex around 2010 thanks to the suggestion of a local roaster in Indianapolis, IN, my old stomping grounds. At this point I had worked at a few coffee shops and I knew that coffee would likely have a significant place in my life. 

I moved out to PA in 2012 and worked part time in short term rehab as an occupational therapy assistant and part time at a few different coffee shops. Unable to shake my coffee geek side, and with my interest in coffee ever increasing, I began working at Backyard Beans in 2015. It is hard to pin down what exactly it is about coffee that so intrigues me. Coffee is so complex, with so much to learn, so much to taste, and so much to discover. The fun part is enjoying it, and to see others enjoy it. 

Besides roasting, brewing, tasting and thinking about coffee I enjoy snowboarding, going on small hikes, and being outside with my wife and our dog.