El Paraiso, Colombia

El Paraiso, Colombia


Light Roast

We celebrate the return of this absolutely delicious, classic washed Caturra for the fourth year from Ernedis Rodriguez and his farm El Paraiso in Colombia. The result of meticulous environmentally sustainable techniques in all levels of production, El Paraiso is a juicy coffee with a tropical fruit profile; we taste tangerine, acai berry, and cane sugar.

Tasting Notes: Tangerine, Acai Berry, Cane Sugar
Producer: Ernedis Rodriguez
Region: Gigante, Huila
Altitude: 1800 masl
Variety: Caturra
Process: Washed

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We welcome back Finca El Paraiso from Ernedis Rodriguez, his classic washed Caturra packed with sweetness and clarity. If you haven’t had El Paraiso before, now’s the time! We love the Caturra variety he produces on his farm. It is bright and juicy with a tropical fruit profile; we taste tangerine, acai berry, and cane sugar. 

Ernedis is a longtime specialty producer and his farm is quite advanced when it comes to quality and environmental sustainability. Finca El Paraiso in Huila, Colombia is a picturesque farm nestled high up on a mountain ridge with steep slopes overlooking the beautiful Magdalena River Valley. Ernedis intends to keep his farm true to its name—a paradise—so he is constantly finding ways to farm and process his coffee in a way that’s harmonious with nature. Recently, he invested in an eco-pulper, which uses less water to de-pulp the coffee and, as a result, reduces contamination to the environment. The pulp is composted in basins, so there is no contact with the soil, and the pulp becomes useful organic fertilizer for the farm—a win-win for all. He is a true visionary when it comes to coffee, and someone whose coffee we are honored to roast.